



 2023 年中考英语热点话题解读+ 强化专练 点 热点 03 长江流域酷热天气与抗旱

 今年 7 月以来,受持续高温天气影响,四川、重庆、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽六省市先后出现不同程度旱情,对农业生产和饮水安全造成一定影响。目前,长江流域多省市都陆续启动相应级别的抗旱应急响应。根据气象水文预测,长江流域大部分地区将持续高温少雨天气。

 6 月中旬以来,长江流域降水由偏多转为偏少,其中,6 月下旬偏少 2 成,7 月偏少 3 成多,尤其是长江下游干流及鄱阳湖水系偏少 5 成左右,为近 10 年同期最少。

 长江委水文局长江水文情报预报中心水情室主任张俊:当前,由于来水偏少,长江上游大部分控制性水库蓄水量偏少,长江中下游干流水位也呈持续消退态势,较历史同期大幅偏低,如汉口、大通等主要站水位当前偏低 5—6 米。据预测,8 月中下旬长江流域降水仍将偏少,其中长江中下游干流南部将明显偏少。


 据气象水文预测,未来一周,包括湖北在内的长江中下游地区可能出现夏伏旱。眼下,湖北全省的引调水工程正全线发力、抗击旱情。目前,湖北全省约 20%的地区出现了气象干旱,湖北省水利部门除了调度水库、泵站放水,还充分运用鄂北水资源配置工程抗旱。湖北省水利厅鄂北局调度运行部主任何永煜:目前整个调水量已经达到了 1.26 亿立方米,主要是向襄州、枣阳、广水这些县市进行供水。鄂北水资源配置工程是国家 172 项节水供水重大水利工程之一,今年正式全线试运行。截至目前,已保障了从十堰丹江口到孝感大悟 56 万多人的饮用水以及沿线 52.5 万亩农田灌溉用水。位于荆州市的引江济汉工程也正加大调水力度,守护“湖北粮仓”。目前,湖北全省水利工程每天引调水近 2 亿立方米,其中沿长江、汉江泵站日均引水 5700 万立方米。按照先生活、后生产、再生态的原则,千方百计满足群众生活饮水和农业灌溉用水需求。

 自 7 月 4 日以来,重庆持续高温,多地气温达 40 摄氏度以上,导致重庆 33 个区县土壤干旱,当地多措并举抗旱保供水。在重庆永川区五间镇,持续的高温给当地 3000 多亩蔬菜带来了不利影响。当地通过微灌、微喷、遮阳网等设备,对蔬菜增湿、降温,改善田间小气候。在秀山县龙凤坝镇小兰村,多个饮用水源点断流,当地采取上游水库放水、组织群众寻找新水源点和组织义务送水队送水等方式,多措并举解决


 连日来,受持续晴热少雨等天气因素影响,江西鄱阳湖水位继续下降。截至昨天(8 月 12 日)17 时,鄱阳湖标志性水文站星子站水位降至 10.67 米,比去年同期低 4.31 米,湖区水体面积缩水至 978 平方公里。此外,抚州、吉安等 29 个县(市、区)出现重度及以上气象干旱,预计今天,江西省中度及以上气象干旱范围将扩大至 68 个县(市、区),国家防总针对江西已启动抗旱应急响应,确保人饮安全,努力保障工农业生产用水需求。

 今年 7 月以来,受长江上游来水减少和持续高温少雨天气影响,洞庭湖水位连续回落 40 余天,跌破 24.50米的枯水水位。8 月 11 日,在位于湖南岳阳的洞庭湖城陵矶水文站,15 根记录水位的标尺已有 13 根裸露在外,水文部门监测到的数据显示:当日上午 8 时,洞庭湖城陵矶站水位为 24.12 米,较历年同期偏低 4.28米,预计未来一周,在无有效降雨影响下,洞庭湖城陵矶站水位将继续保持下降趋势,并造成洞庭湖北部部分支流和干渠出现断流现象。为应对旱情,岳阳市派出 400 名水利干部下到抗旱一线,指导群众抗旱自救。为保障洞庭湖区居民正常生产生活,岳阳市相关部门采取开闸放水、取水补水等措施缓解旱情。(央视网 | 2022 年 08 月 13 日)

 I. 相关短语 1.伏旱 summer drought 【背景:Soaring temperatures and little rainfall have worsened the drought in the Ningxia Hui and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regions, as well as the provinces of Gansu, Guizhou and Hunan。(高温和少雨天气使宁夏回族自治区、内蒙古自治区,以及甘肃、贵州和湖南等省的旱情进一步加剧。)】

 2.酷热 sizzling/severe heat

 3.烈日/骄阳 scorching sun

 4.炎炎夏日 blistering summer day

 5.灼热的太阳 torrid sun

 6.湿热难耐的天气 sultry weather

 7.升温 heat up

 8.闷热 stiflingly hot

 9.湿热 hot and humid

 10.干热 hot and dry

 11.连续高温天气 hot spell

 12.高温病 heat-related illnesses

 13.抗热的/耐热的 heat-resistant

 14.桑拿天 sauna days

 15.汗流浃背 be bathed/soaked with sweat 16.高温预警 heat alert 17.消暑 beat the heat

 18.避暑 escape the heat

 19.中暑 get heat-stroke/sunstroke 20.晒伤/晒黑 sunburn/got tan 21.水资源短缺 water shortage 22.抗旱 drought relief 23.人工降雨 artificial precipitation operations 24.气象部门 meteorological departments 25.热浪 heat wave

 26.避暑胜地 summer resort

 27.避暑药 a preventive against sunstroke 28.最高温度 maximum temperatures

 29.绝对温度 absolute temperature

 30.室温/常温 room temperature

 31.抗热的/耐热的 heat-resistant

 32.乘凉 enjoy the cool air

 33.空调 air conditioning

 34.汗流浃背 be bathed/soaked with sweat

 35.急救 emergency treatments

 36.用电需求 power demands

 37.应急供电计划 emergency power-supply plan

 38.高温黄色预警 yellow alert for high temperatures/yellow-coded heat alert

 39.冰块 ice cubes

 40.摄氏度 degree Celsius

 41.华氏度 degree Fahrenheit 42.室外活动 outdoor activities

 43.在阴凉处 in the shade

 44.临时避暑站 temporary shelters for people to escape the heat

 45.国家气象中心 National Meteorological Center

 II. 关于“ 天热” 的各种表达 1.dog days. 三伏天。它是指夏天最热的那些天。

 I can"t stand the dog days of summer which are really unbearable. 我受不了三伏天了,实在太难受了。

 2.The sun was blazing. 太阳正猛烈燃烧。

 Bear Grylls, he was like “the sun is blazing, i have got to find some water”. 贝爷当时说,太阳正熊熊燃烧,我必须找到水喝。

 3.fry eggs on the sidewalk. 打个鸡蛋在路面上都熟了。

 Anna:Andy, you could fry eggs on the sidewalk today. 安迪,天气太热了。

 Andy:Yeah, what a hot day. I can"t go a day without an AC.是啊,热的受不了,我没有空调都没法活。

 4. I am leaking.热得我都在滴水了。

 I am leaking and i could do with a cold coke. 热得我大汗淋漓,真想马上要一杯冻可乐。

 5.It is as hot as in a sauna.热得像在蒸桑拿!


 1 Terrible weather events are harming the planet, and experts warn of even greater results to come. The sea ice loss and the Arctic ice melting (融化) caused by climate change have increased much in the last ten years. So they have pushed down the number of polar bears and seals while polar bears depend on sea ice for hunting seals. According to the data from the WMO, temperatures on the Antarctica (南极洲) just hit 18.3℃, which is higher than the record of 17.59℃ in March, 2015. Moreover, temperatures in this area have warmed about 3℃ over the last 50 years. Although such temperatures might be considered pleasant for a picnic or a hiking trip, this is the Antarctica we are talking about. It is home to the most inhospitable environment on the planet because it is

 supposed to be an extremely cold place. In fact, the average temperature of the continent’s central area is -57℃. Besides, many places are experiencing the extreme weather this summer. Australia is undergoing its worst drought (干旱) since the 1930s, leaving bushfires burning so long and causing many deaths. Meanwhile in Europe, crops in the northwest are suffering the driest weather in the past 80 years. Recently West Texas in America has also gone through its worst drought in more than 70 years, while floods have hit Eastern and Southern China. “Climate change is bad for us human beings, which causes direct health problems. I’m afraid there will be more common events like the one that 30,000 to 50,000 persons died in Europe in 2003 due to the heat wave there,” Professor Schwartz said. “It will also cause more air pollution, diseases and lack of clean water and so on.” 1. What doesn’t bring down the number of polar bears according to this passage? A. Hunting. B. Climate change.

 C. The sea ice loss. D. The Arctic ice melting. 2. What can we get from this passage? A. The Antarctica is pleasant for a hiking trip. B. Extreme weather led to wildfires burning in Europe. C. Climate change will cause air pollution and diseases. D. The temperatures on the Antarctica hit the highest in March, 2015. 3. What does the underlined word “inhospitable” in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Friendly to live. B. Unfit to live.

 C. Comfortable to live. D. Unhealthy to live. 4. Which place didn’t experience drought this summer? A. America. B. China. C. Australia. D. Europe. 5. What is the main idea for this passage? A. The whole planet is drier and drier. B. The Antarctica is warmer and warmer. C. Climate change is getting worse and worse. D. The number of polar bears is smaller and smaller. 2 Every year on March 22, World Water Day focuses people’s attention on the importance of water across the world. In 2018, the theme is “Nature for Water”.

 This year’s theme, “Nature for Water”, focuses on how nature-based solutions (NBS) can be used to help fix the water problems facing many people and ecosystems (生态系统) at the present time. Nature-based solutions are ways of managing plants, soils and wetlands, including rivers and lakes, to help with the management of water availability and quality. They will not solve the problem of drought (干旱) but should provide effective ways for improving water quality and increasing water supplies. Anything that includes positively altering nature is an NBS. ●Bringing back forests, grasslands and natural wetlands By bringing back natural ecosystems, we can help to rebalance water levels around the world, benefitting both humans and ecosystems; ●Connecting rivers to floodplains again If properly managed, natural floodplains can provide help to wildlife, fish and people by giving them both space and clean water; ●Building sand dams In very dry areas, such as Zimbabwe, sand dams are used to increase the amount of water that can be stored, meaning that farmers can grow more crops and people can have enough drinking water; ●Landscape restoration Excessive logging (过度砍伐) in Alwar, India, has caused extremely serious droughts. The government has focused on the regeneration of forests and soils, which has not only helped the rivers to refill but also wildlife, such as antelopes and leopards, to return to the area. 6. What can we learn about the nature-based solutions? A. They will successfully solve the problem of drought. B. They make plants, soils and wetlands totally different. C. They can improve water quality and increase water supplies. D. They can help us learn why people in history faced water problems. 7. The underlined word “altering” is closest in meaning to “________”. A. changing B. creating C. increasing D. breaking 8. Why is it important to bring back natural ecosystems? A. Because they give space to both wildlife and fish. B. Because they help increase water levels around the world.

 C. Because they can supply clean water to both animals and humans. D. Because they help bring water le...

推荐访问:长江流域酷热天气与抗旱(含解析) 长江流域 热点 抗旱